Whey is the liquid that is left over from milk when cheese is made. It is the by-product of cheese making. Everything from the milk that does not get into the cheese is found in the whey. It consists of about 94 percent water, 4.5 percent lactose, 0.8 percent protein, 0.7 percent minerals and vitamins and is practically fat-free. Depending on the type of cheese made, the whey can vary, especially in taste.
Since a lot of cheese is produced in Switzerland, a lot of whey is also produced. Around 1.3 million tons are produced every year.
From a nutritional point of view, whey is one of the highest quality sources of protein. The latest research has shown that whey protein is the most valuable nutritional protein available. It is therefore widely used in sports nutrition, clinical nutrition and baby food. Whey proteins are very filling, yet quickly digestible and easily absorbed by the human body and have many positive functionalities. They are particularly important in regeneration. In the field of food supplements, whey protein usually appears under the English term Whey Protein, or often abbreviated Whey. Molke eine der hochwertigsten Proteinquellen. Neusten Erkenntnissen zufolge handelt es sich bei Molkenprotein um das für die Ernährung wertvollste verfügbare Protein. Es wird daher häufig in der Sporternährung, in der klinischen Ernährung und in Säuglingsnahrung eingesetzt. Molkenproteine sind sehr sättigend, dennoch schnell verdaulich und leicht vom menschlichen Körper aufnehmbar und weisen viele positive Funktionalitäten auf. Vor allem auch in der Regeneration sind sie von grosser Bedeutung. Im Bereich der Nahrungsergänzung erscheint das Molkenprotein meist unter dem englischen Begriff Whey Protein, oder oft abgekürzt Whey
The functionalities of whey proteins are diverse. They help build muscle or inhibit muscle protein breakdown, they have an antioxidant effect and have a strengthening effect on the immune system, especially in combination with increased physical activity. The proteins also have a positive effect on the intestinal flora, cardiovascular diseases and bone metabolism. The quality of proteins is usually given as biological value. It is a measure of the suitability of a dietary protein as a substitute for body protein. The biological value of whey proteins is very high due to their high content of all essential amino acids, hence protein building blocks that the body cannot produce itself but needs for an intact metabolism.
Whey also contains the minerals potassium, calcium and phosphorus and the vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12 and pantothenic acid in nutritionally relevant concentrations. Other minerals and trace elements found in whey are magnesium, zinc, iron, copper and iodine. This list is not exhaustive. There are even more valuable, natural ingredients in whey.
We work exclusively with Swiss whey. The Suisse Garantie certified whey protein, which we use for our Shake Powder and for the protein enrichment of our Molke Shake, is a concentrate made from Swiss whey that is obtained during cheese production. For the production of this whey protein concentrate, the whey is gently filtered through membranes and then dried. The concentrate then consists of 80 percent protein, but still contains minerals and vitamins from the whey.
In addition to the shorter transport routes, the Swiss origin guarantees that extensive regulations are complied with. Switzerland has one of the strictest animal welfare laws in the world. The cows from which the milk for cheese production comes only receive strictly controlled, species-appropriate and environmentally friendly feed – mostly local roughage, like grass, clover and herbs. And the feed certainly does not contain any genetically modified organisms, hormones or antibiotics to improve performance.
In addition, neither our whey nor our whey proteins are obtained directly from milk, as is often the case with other manufacturers. We really only use whey, which is produced in cheese production anyway. In this way, we do not additionally contribute to increasing milk consumption. On the contrary, we ensure that resources are used better.
Swiss whey is a natural, local superfood with a lot of potential. Their health value has been known for a very long time. It is incomprehensible to us that its reputation as a “waste product” or as a product that is not enjoyable is so stubborn in Switzerland. There are challenges in the use of Swiss whey (more on this in the guidebook in the other chapters) and a lot still needs to be developed and researched.
We are convinced that we are taking a first, important step in the right direction with our products and that we can offer sustainable, healthy and at the same time enjoyable products made from Swiss whey.
Whey is a yellow-greenish liquid and the part of milk that does not get into the cheese during cheese production. Above all, the whey proteins it contains and the individual amino acids, including many branched-chain amino acids (abbreviated BCAA for Branched-Chain Amino Acids), have a high health value.
But whey also contains very important vitamins and minerals. Whey is a natural product with a complex composition and its positive effect on health and well-being has been known and well researched for a long time.
When all of the whey is dried it is known as whey powder. If part of the whey is separated off before drying, so that the protein content in the powder is increased, this is called whey protein powder. There are different types of whey protein powders.
Whey protein concentrates and whey protein isolates are mainly used in powders for making shakes. Depending on the degree of processing and the type of concentration, the whey contains different solids.
Whey protein concentrate has a protein content of up to 80 percent, but it still contains some of the milk sugar and minerals. For protein contents higher than 80 percent, the whey protein concentrate has to undergo further processing and a whey protein isolate is created that practically only contains proteins.
Whey in german (pronounced ˈweɪ) is simple the English word for whey. Colloquially, whey is also understood to mean pure whey protein. Many suppliers of whey protein powders for nutritional supplements therefore call their products simply, but incorrectly, whey.
We are the first company that consistently works exclusively with Swiss whey. Very few products based on whey protein are made from Swiss whey. Many other products on the market are described as “developed and made in Switzerland”, but that only refers to the mixing of the ingredients. They don’t work with Swiss whey protein.
The law allows this and there is an exception in the Swissness Ordinance. This is because of the availability of whey protein powders. There are not yet many different qualities of whey proteins from Swiss whey.
So gibt es (Stand Januar 2023) zum Beispiel kein Molkenproteinisolat aus Schweizer Molke. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam mit der Berner Fachhochschule und auch mit unseren Produktionspartnern an Weiterentwicklungen und forschen, wie wir die Schweizer Molke besser, vor allem ganzheitlicher (nicht nur die Molkenproteine) nutzen und die Eigenschaften der Proteinpulver und von weiteren Molkeprodukten optimieren, diversifizieren und den Gesundheitswert noch mehr steigern können, auf natürliche Art und Weise.
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